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Future Technology Systems designs and installs cutting-edge electronic systems that help businesses, educational institutions, libraries, and government agencies reduce costs, boost productivity, and enhance their
overall value.

30th Annaversery

How much can you afford to loose?

Wouldn’t it make sense to have ONE surge protector that would protect your entire building or unit?

UPDATE: Surge protection requirement has been added to the 2020 Electrical Code.

If you are like most people
, you feel that you have Surge Protection; you are far from really having the protection you think you have. You probably have a few power strip surge protectors throughout your business to protect your equipment from power surges. Unfortunately, most provide little to no protection against power surges.

What is at risk? All items that have a microprocessor are at risk during a power surge. This includes items like: televisions, computers, phone systems, network gear, alarm & surveilance systems, heating and cooling equipment. It is amazing how many items in your business actually need to be protected from an electrical surge. If an electrical surge were to occur today, how much money would you stand to lose?

What causes power surges? Lightning, problems with the utility company’s equipment, large appliances cycling power on and off, faulty wiring, and downed power lines are just a few things that cause power surges.

"Call today for a free business assesment ."
Allen Goodcase